
• The program has sponsored a total of 45 young women with vocational skills training in fields namely; Catering and Dressmaking and Fashion Design.
• The young women under the program have formed and formally registered into Self-Help Groups as they continue with their training.
• A total of 60 girls have been trained on life skills and business skills within their self-help groups. All groups are in the process of registering their groups with the view to accessing government funds namely; Women Enterprise Fund, Affirmative Action Fund, Uwezo Fund and Youth Fund.
• A total of 20 young women out of initial 35 enrolled into the vocational training sponsorship have successfully graduated through our constituting 67% success rate. By 2026, Daughters of Kenya targets to change the lives of more than 500 vulnerable girls and young mothers through informal education of capacity building and training to enable them access public services that change their lives forever.