Daughters of Kenya has instituted an intervention focusing on mentorship, guidance and counseling, motivational speaking and sponsorship as part of a strategy to raise girls’ educational standards in Kenya. In our interventions, we enlist professionals, role models and counselors to inspire girls and young women to pursue education as the ultimate alternative to ending poverty and increasing empowerment.
DoK also uses peer education approaches to implement its school based life skills and empowerment programs to help young girls and women overcome existing life challenges and pursue more fulfilling life engagements, particularly those touching on education. Lastly through the Education program, DoK is creating awareness of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through a SGDs Children’s book titled “A Smart Way To Start Doing Good” that was launched during the International Day of the African child in the year 2022 in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, SDGs Kenya Forum, Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). We have established school clubs at different schools that are reading the book and using the knowledge gained to start school based initiatives and community service learning activities hence changing the world at large.